The Bob Marley Sculpture

Artist: Gregory Pototsky (Russian)

In the words of the artist Gregory Pototsky……Before I started working on the image I had a great spiritual work. I was trying to understand the person and to see how the image should look like. What is a piece of art fully reflecting the idea itself? In the end the idea came to me. 

There is everything. Bob Marley, great religious romantic and poet, believed to be Saint. Bob Marley is one of the greatest people of humanity. He is the person who stopped a civil war and found a way out of that greatest dead end, saved people from the abyss between black and white. The crime against black people is horrible and beyond understanding. One of Bob Marley's songs had the following lines: "We, black, went Christ's way to build the world of love and forgiveness" It is a wonders insight, divine inspiration that determined the development of the future in the monument - civil war, cry for freedom and peace.