University of Technology, Ja Student Handbook

• Fax bank confirmation of payment to Department of Student Financing at 876-970-2302. Please pay attention to the following conditionalities: 1. Wire transfers take an average of up to fifteen (15) working days or more. 2. Charges incurred during the transfer will be deducted from the original amount being sent. 3. Address of sender should meet international wire transfer standard. (Should be identifiable by satellite search). D. PAYMENT AT PAYMASTER E. BILL EXPRESS F. ONLINE PAYMENT VIA UTECH JA.’S WEBSITE (WWW.UTECHJAMAICA.EDU.JM) 1. Go to, select “Online Services” under “Quick Link” 2. The following cards may be used Keycard, Visa and MasterCard 3. Upon payment a confirmation email will be sent to you indicating receipt of your payment. Students are encouraged to retain all receipts for transactions done at the University and at our external payment agencies for future reference. PAYMENT PROCEDURES STUDENTS’ LOAN BUREAU (SLB) RECI P I ENT SLB recipients should ensure that they provide the Bureau with all the documentation required to ensure their loan is approved before closure of registration. SPONSORED STUDENT/SCHOLARSHIP RECI P I ENT If you are a sponsored student/scholarship recipient you will need to go to the Financial Aid Office, located on the Papine Campus, with: • Letter of Commitment from your Sponsor indicating your name, UTech student ID number, amount of funds committed and expected date of payment. • A copy of your fee breakdown, which is available from the Student Portal after you have selected your payment option. FINANCIAL CLEARANCE Students are given financial clearance based upon agreed payment of fees. Upon such payment, a message is sent two (2) clear working days after, to the in-tray of the Students’ Portal. The message may be: 1. “You have been financially cleared . . .” OR 2. “You have not paid the requisite amount to be registered . . .” If no message is received at the time, contact Student Financing at TH E UN I V E R S I T Y OF TE CHNO LOGY, J AMA I C A – ST UD E NT HANDBOOK 2022–2023 REGISTRATION AND ENRO LME NT 116