Students' Union President's Message

The University of Technology, Jamaica Students’ Union Council is a body of appointed and elected representatives who are dedicated to filling the gaps that often divide the student body and the university. The council executes initiatives that will enable real change through cultural enrichment, student development, financial support, and community outreach. The 2023/24 Council is guided by the theme "Serving T.E.A All Year Long", where T.E.A represents the three pillars that tie in with our mandate and will be incorporated in our various activities throughout the academic year. These pillars are namely Transparency, student Engagement and Advocacy. Throughout your tenure at the University, we hope to provide you with opportunities for social, physical, academic and cultural growth. Our motto, “To Serve and To Represent” forms the fuel which drives the various activities and initiatives which are in place for you this upcoming academic year.


The Council comprises of four (4) boards, namely; Board of Executives, Board of Representatives, Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. These boards work within a hierarchical structure to ensure that Y.O.U. are represented and served at all levels within the University to give you the holistic experience the University has to offer.

Transparency is an essential pillar in our union. We are dedicated to making students aware of the happenings in the union, the decisions we make, and the reasons behind them by being as honest, clear and upfront as possible . In addition to creating an open and inclusive environment where every student's voice can be heard and is valued. Therefore, stay tuned to USU Updates which will provide Y.O.U. with the opportunity to stay updated on our level of advocacy.

Increased student engagement is also critical for our union's success. As such, we will work to create more opportunities for students to engage with the union and each other through planning and executing events and initiatives that are inclusive, supportive, and driven by the needs of the students we serve.

As it relates to the pillar of Advocacy, we will make it our point of duty to advocate for policies and initiatives that are beneficial to our students by working with our partners and stakeholders to create meaningful change that positively impacts our community at large. This meaningful change that this Council will serve Y.O.U. We are committed to Serving T.E.A All Year Long!

Rick Darby

President - USU